Overview of 2 most Basic JavaScript Operators that every Developer must know about.

In JavaScript, an operator is a special symbol used to perform various operations on values

Operators in JavaScript that I am going to discuss are

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Assignment Operator
  1. Arithmetic Operators

They are just pretty basic operators like we use in Maths

  • Addition use to add two numbers e.g 2+2 equals 4
  • Subtraction use to find difference e.g 2-2 equals 0

  • Multipication use to find the product of two numbers e.g 2*3 equals 6

  • Division use to divide two values e.g 10 / 5 equals 2

  • Modulus It is used to returns the number of times one number fits into the other. e.g 10%4 equals 2

  • Increment It is used to increase a value by 1 e.g h++ equals to h+1

  • Decrement It is used to decrease a value by 1 e.g h-- equals to h-1

  1. Assignment Operator

Assignment operators assign a value to a variable.

  • = it is used to assign value e.g x = y

  • += it is used to add first value in second one to make them equal e.g x += y means x = x + y

  • -= it is used to subtract first value in second one to make them equal e.g x -= y means x = x - y

  • = it is used to multiply first value in second one to make them equal x = y means x = x * y

  • /= it is used to divide first value in second one to make them equal e.g x /= y means x = x / y

  • %= it is used as a modulus operator to equate to other value x %= y x = x % y

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Regards, Aish The Coder